
Talking Like a Crazy Woman

Photo by Christina Schweighofer
My trainer talks, I listen. That's how my lessons usually work. We both wear a Comtek box, and my trainer, Kristina Harrison, wears a microphone so that I can hear her voice through my earphones. This week, we decided to try a new technique. I got the microphone, and Krisi got the earphones. I rode like I normally would in a lesson, but I talked the entire time. I told Krisi what I was doing and why I was doing it, if I didn't like something I had to tell her what I didn't like about it, and how I planned on fixing it. And I wasn't allowed to stop talking.

At first it was difficult. I didn't know what to say, and I got out of breath after just one sentence. After the first five minutes or so it got easier. I didn't have to look for something to say, the words just came out of my mouth automatically. Talking out loud forced me to concentrate completely on my riding, and helped me to effectively get my aids and corrections through to my horse.

The next day we did the same thing again, and I had another great ride. On the third day, my trainer took the microphone back, but I still talked to myself during my entire lesson. I ride 100% better when I talk out loud, and I am working hard to make it a habit that I will keep for the rest of my career. Hopefully I'll eventually learn to carry on this monologue in my head, but for now, if I have to sound like a crazy woman in order to ride better, then that's exactly what I'll do!

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