
Pie and Lattes

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Every Monday, my trainer, Kristina Harrison, two other girls and I take a lesson at the Pilates Bodyshop with our instructor Kerri Campbell. What exactly is Pilates? Pilates is a form of conditioning intended to improve flexibility, strength and endurance through a variety of exercises performed on machines with rather intimidating names such as "the reformer" and "the spine corrector". The type of Pilates I do is called Fletcher Pilates (see Ron Fletcher bottom right). It emphasizes rhythm and breathing, and is very popular among dancers.

Kerri and Krisi have been working together for a number of years now, and although Kerri doesn't ride herself she has learned what we dressage riders need. She understands how we are required to move on the horse and does a variety of motions with us, some of which she invented herself. We stretch our hips and hamstrings, strengthen our core and open our collar bones. All these exercise are intended to make us better riders. Although my position has improved since I started doing Pilates last year, I still have to continually work on it, on the horse and off. I do a series of moves and stretches every night before I go to bed and do my best to constantly be aware of how I am using my body in space -- at school, at home, wherever.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

So why did I decide to write about Pilates in this week's post? I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook when an e-card one of my friends had posted caught my eye. It read: Pilates? Oh, heavens, no. I thought you said "Pie and Lattes."

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